Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Fairy Tale Called Mayfair

London is one fairy place, where millions people from all around the world go there to experience its unique atmosphere and amazing lifestyle. The city gives to its visitors opportunities to explore its unique cultural places, impressive attractions and spectacular landscapes. Moreover, London is primary tourist destination, popular with its reputed accommodations like hotels in Mayfair for instance, where you could completely enjoy your stay in the city. However, if you are planning a getaway to that megalopolis you need to “do your homework” and gather some information about the city and different possibilities, it provides. The two most important things are to find the best way of accommodation for your needs and to make a list with different attractions you must visit when you are in London.

Mayfair is the London's most exclusive area, situated in the West End of the city, close to Hyde Park. That reputed district is associated with style, glamour and grace and famous with its luxury restaurants and top class accommodations. The neighborhood is named after the annual fortnight long May Fair, situated on the side, presently known as the Shepherd Market. The area was developed in the period between the middle of 17th century and the middle of 18th century and since than it is a fashionable and prestigious commercial center. Nowadays, Mayfair is home of many commercial offices, business buildings, few embassies, the Royal Academy of Arts and the Handle House Museum. Also, it is the most exclusive shopping area in London. Hence, you could book some of the Mayfair hotels, where you will have the opportunity to experience the fairy tale called Mayfair.

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