Monday, September 26, 2011

Scotland: The fast food utopia?

We all know that fast food isn’t healthy. We all know that it can be greasy, salty, starchy and fatty. But let’s be honest, once in a while it is the only thing that will hit the spot. If like me you love to have the occasional binge then why not make an entire trip out of it?
If you’re looking into going on a food holiday, and fancy a short break Scotland ticks all the right boxes for fast food aficionados.

Lets start with the number one crowd pleaser. Curry. One of Britain’s most popular dishes since it was first introduced to Britain all those years ago, curry comes in so many different varieties and styles that anybody can find a dish to suit their taste. It is a little known fact that Britain’s most popular curry dish, the Chicken Tikka Masala, was actually invented in Scotland. The dish is rumoured to have been improvised by an Indian chef living in Glasgow when he had run out of his more traditional ingredients.

If you are looking for something that is even a little more of a guilty pleasure, then any trip to a Scottish fish and chip shop will never end in disappointment. Of course, a fish supper is one of the least healthy but most tasty fast food dinners you can get, and Scotland prides itself on its excellent standards when it comes to this dish. If you fancy pushing the boat out however, then why not try a true taste of Scotland and indulge in a deep-fried, battered haggis? If the calorie count is still not high enough for you, then its time you gave your arteries a real punishing! Pop into a specialist Scottish chippy and get yourself a battered, deep-fried Donner Kebab! This heart-stopper is the ultimate in fast food indulgence!

So take a look at some of the short breaks Scotland has to offer and book up a trip! Whether you fancy a curry or a good old fashioned trip to the chippy, you won’t be disappointed if you’re up in Scotland.

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